Created to share gratitude with the Scarborough community for their support of SHN throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and printed in the Scarborough Mirror; responsible for content, layout and design involved in this advertisement
Created to promote holiday and year-end giving to Uxbridge Hospital Foundation to community members through the You Are Here magazine; responsible for content, layout and design involved in this advertisement
Prepared to promote targeted giving options for grateful patients through Scarborough Health Network's Patient & Family Guide; responsible for content, layout and design involved in this advertisement
Prepared to integrate the Unlimited Campaign brand into standard Humber materials used with partners, prospects, donors and alumni; responsible for layout, design and printing involved in this brand collateral
Prepared as a brief reference document for use by the internal team members and outlining Uxbridge Hospital Foundation's primary brand and its associated elements, including logos, colours and fonts
Designed for Humber River Health Foundation and distributed to the institution's key donors, prospects, partners, volunteers and community members during the 2023 holiday season
Designed for Humber's Advancement and Alumni department and distributed to the institution's key donors, prospects, partners, volunteers, alumni and community members during the 2022 holiday season
Prepared as a suite of informational materials for student scholarship recipients at Laurentian University to equip them to draft thoughtful, compelling and appropriately detailed thank-you letters for their specific donors
Designed for Humber River Health Foundation and distributed to the institution's key donors, prospects, partners, volunteers and community members during the 2024 holiday season
Prepared to creatively present the case for the Medical Imaging & Vascular Centre, a key fundraising project at SHN Foundation; responsible for content, layout, design and distribution involved in this infographic
Prepared to creatively present the case for the Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre, a key fundraising project at SHN Foundation; responsible for content, layout, design and distribution involved in this infographic
Prepared to creatively present the case for the planned Emergency Department redevelopments, a key fundraising project at SHN Foundation; responsible for content, layout, design and distribution involved in this infographic
Prepared to creatively present the impact of SHN Foundation's fundraising for the COVID-19 Emergency Fund with the community; responsible for content, layout, design and distribution involved in this infographic
Prepared as an email communication intended to invite a targeted group of stakeholders to a special Heart & Stroke holiday reception in Saskatoon; responsible for the layout and design involved in this event invitation
Designed to accompany a newly developed community event in support for Uxbridge Hospital Foundation and intended to be distinct while incorporating aspects of the existing brand
Designed to accompany the relaunch and rebrand of SHN Foundation's annual golf tournament and fundraising event following the COVID-19 pandemic and intended to more closely align with the overall SHN brand
Designed to accompany The Social Communicator, a freelance communications business and predecessor to PFS Communications, and intended to align with a connected suite of personal brands; no longer active
Designed to accompany The Social Opportunity, a personal travel blog and social media brand, and inspired by the Ourobouros and Jörmungandr mythology to signify continual growth and rebirth; no longer active
Created as a promotional takeaway to raise awareness among Heart & Stroke's stakeholders of the signs and symptoms of heart attack, cardiac arrest and stroke, as well as the appropriate responses
Prepared as a public-facing promotion to raise awareness among patients, family members and the community about the lifesaving impact of robotic surgery at Humber River Health and the role donors play in making it possible
Prepared to promote SHN Foundation's new MySHN crowdfunding platform with in-hospital audiences and the local community; responsible for content, layout, design and distribution involved in this poster
Prepared to promote the annual Chinese-language Radiothon fundraiser in support of SHN Foundation to in-hospital audiences and the local community; responsible for content, layout, design and distribution involved in this poster
Prepared to promote Uxbridge Hospital Foundation's new Sip, Savour & Support fundraising event to in-hospital audiences and the local community; responsible for content, layout and design involved in this poster